Shape Magazine #ShapeMeetTweet
We were so honored to be invited to the Shape Magazine #ShapeMeetTweet event. Just 100 top bloggers were invited to attend this super jam packed event. The event was filled with delicious food, the most epic gifting ever and panels by top fitness, social media, and beauty experts. The event was extra fun because we were all given a score card, you had to hunt down and speak to all the brands at the event and get a sticker from every booth to exchange for the huge gift bag at the end of the event. Emily and I could barely haul all our swag on the short walk to our cars, the swag bag so heavy!
I learned so much! I was reminded to avoid foundation because it ages you. Katie Rodan from Rodan & Fields, developer of Proactiv Solutions told us she was 60 years old – I was so impressed because she looked decades younger, and her skin was sparkling and luminous. Definitely going to listen to absolutely any advice that she gives about her skin.
Emily Tangerine as photographer!
Breakfast treats before the first panel
Group Stretch
The Beautiful Lunch Spread
Getting my workout at the Starkist booth