I love guest posts from fellow bloggers!
If you are not a blogger and are a business wishing to promote your product or service, please check out our Sponsored Post Page
Please read carefully below and then contact us with your article idea via e-mail: kaila(at)kailayu(dot)com
** The writer should be prepared to promote the published article on their social media
The next thing you should do is become familiar with what we publish in our free newsletter, To familiarize yourself with the style we publish, sign up here to receive the free newsletter.
Why Guest Post with Nylon Pink?
- Coverage on a well trafficked blog to help boost your readership
- Your post will be shared on both my FB with 495K followers and my Twitter with 15.6K followers
Please feel free to link to your personal blog or website in the bio section of the article.
For any business links, please refer to my Sponsored Post Page
Feel free to link to resources within your article that would be helpful for the reader. I reserve the right to edit any links made in the article and make them no-follow where appropriate. I also reserve the right to make any links no-follow to comply with Google guidelines.
- Please use at least 5 photos in the body your guest posts. Feel free to use other people's photos if properly credited as below
-All photos used must be correctly licensed for use on blogs and not subject to copyright restrictions
-Photos may be available sites such as Flickr, as long as they are categorized as Creative Commons for republication. Instructions on how to find Creative Commons photos on flickr
- Include a minimum of 7 photos total. 5 photos for the body of the article, one header image - similar to the style of NylonPink.tv, and one vertical image for Pinterest. Photos must be your own or cleared for this kind of publication
- Photos should be 1280px wide for horizontal photos. 735px wide for vertical.
- When submitting photo stories or videos we ask for minimum 300 words to go with the photos or video.
What's next
Generic guest posts ideas that are not tailored to KailaYu.com will be ignored. Please don't send complete articles initially, just a short article proposal.
Guest post articles need to be at least 1000 words.
All articles must be completely original content and will be run through Copyscape for plagerism. They must not have already been posted anywhere on the internet.
Don't forget to include a bio, along with your social media accounts, and your personal blog link. Please send a headshot to go with your article and that should also be 1024px minimum.
Please do not include any more than two external links within the body of the text.
Please read carefully below and then contact us with your article idea via e-mail: kaila(at)kailayu(dot)com